


在威尼斯人赌场, 我们相信运动经历是你学业的重要组成部分, 个人和精神的成长. 无论你是学生运动员还是狂热的猎鹰队球迷, Messiah 体育运动 serve as a central and exciting piece of our college community and provide a common bond for school spirit. 除了 to NCAA athletics, there are many club sports and recreational leagues on campus. 无论你在什么级别的比赛, you practice something of lifelong importance—directing your talents and hard work toward a greater purpose.

NCAA的团队 俱乐部体育 休闲体育


35 NCAA三级锦标赛

375 全美大学生体育协会第三组全美选手

183 会议团体锦标赛

体育爱好者前100所学校- 《威尼斯赌场网站》杂志和《威尼斯人赌场》

Flex, 我们的吉祥物


Group fitness classes at the 猎鹰 Fitness Center are a great way to enjoy a workout and try something new. 从放松, 慢节奏伸展到心脏跳动的强度, Messiah offers students and employees a range of fitness classes to suit anyone’s needs. Messiah only hires instructors who are certified and well experienced to give our visitors the best experience possible.



Spin is an indoor cycle ride and is a great way to challenge your fitness and burn calories. Tackle mountains, rolling hills, sprints and other fun drills to keep your body and mind engaged!


核心课程包含的远不止“六块腹肌”.” This class will challenge all aspects of your core using body weight-only exercises, 稳定球, 药球, 芯袋等独特设备.


普拉提 provides an opportunity to exercise the entire body and renew the mind. 普拉提 is a meaningful way to recharge physically and mentally before heading into the remainder of the afternoon.


An emphasis is placed on creating a connection between movement and breath. 瑜伽还专注于建立对思想、身体和呼吸的意识.


作为威尼斯人赌场的学生, you'll have many opportunities to be a spectator and become a loyal 猎鹰 fan, 为我们的 22支NCAA三级球队 在无数的体育赛事中. Whether you’re at the diamond cheering on the softball team or spending a Saturday watching soccer or lacrosse, it’s a great way to spend time with friends and get in the school spirit!

团队计划 猎鹰齿轮



“我喜欢威尼斯人赌场运动,因为粉丝们是如此真诚, 有趣和支持, 这些玩家每天都是和我们一起上课的人.”


“Being an athlete and a fan is cool, supporting the other teams is like supporting family. The student section is a blessing- awesome and so humbling, they are the reason I play.”


“Messiah teams are so easy to support; the community involvement, 学生的兴奋, 团队的感激之情在每一项运动中都很明显.”


“这支篮球队对我来说就像家人一样. 我觉得我是团队的一员. I want to get people out there, make this school proud, and make my Messiah family proud.”


“The student section is always chanting and it’s just an exciting environment to be in. Overall the atmosphere of these games have been exciting to be a part of for me.”


威尼斯人赌场 体育运动 hold a number of sports camps throughout the year, 尤其是在夏季. 猎鹰队的运动营提供了一种乐趣, safe and competitive atmosphere for boys and girls of all ages to improve in their skills and grow their love of sports and activity. It’s also a great opportunity for prospective student athletes to get to know Messiah’s campus and coaches. 威尼斯人赌场的许多学生运动员在营地担任教练, 创造指导机会和领导力发展.



Messiah wants to be a place where where you can align your purpose in sport with your purpose in life—to glorify God. AROMA, which stands for A Revolution of Missional Athletes, is designed for just that. We believe that by providing student-athletes with opportunities to participate in the Kingdom of God through sport, 体育的真正目的发生了范式转变. 这种转变使学生们“重新审视”并意识到, 也许是第一次, 他们可以用他们在体育上的天赋来建立上帝的国度.


但感谢上帝, 在基督里,他常带领我们得胜, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him. For we are the AROMA of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
