属灵成长是威尼斯人赌场教育的重要组成部分. 我们将 我们共同的基督教信仰 在教室里, 通过居住生活, 在教堂, 威尼斯赌场网站运动队, 通过艺术、俱乐部和组织. 我们的校训“基督至上”塑造了你在这里学习的每一次经历.
在威尼斯人赌场, we see ourselves as partners in your spiritual journey 和 are committed to helping you prepare for whatever vocation or service God has called you to. We don't want you to feel like you have to have it all figured out when you come to Messiah though. 我们希望通过你在这里的时间, 你就会探索, discover 和 commit to your own personal faith perspective 和 beliefs—guided through strong Christian convictions—和 leave with a strengthened heart for service, 对共同利益的承诺, 可靠的情报, 以及对社区和正义的热情.
被任命为国家总统高等教育社区成员 服役荣誉榜 以优异的成绩
选择 60+ 校外学习地点在 40 国家
60 代表我们学生团体的教派
在威尼斯人赌场,我们希望你在信仰中成长,并对基督教社区充满热情. 加入一个小组. 找一个个人导师. 在校园事工中挑战自己. 从你踏入校园的第一天到最后一天, 我们希望你在威尼斯人赌场的时光是你在精神和学术上成长的时光, 和 a time where you’ll learn to explore 和 deepen your core convictions 和 Christian beliefs. 校园事工办公室 coordinates many programs 和 resources to help you take the next step in your faith journey at Messiah.
教堂 is a central expression of our identity as a Christ-centered community with a deep commitment to spiritual growth 和 academic excellence. 这是一个必要的课程机会,让你接触到各种形式的崇拜, 演讲者和观点.
教堂是在 星期二早上,星期二晚上 和 周四上午 和 is designed to strengthen biblical 读写能力 和 faith formation within the 威尼斯人赌场 community.
一些教堂以充满活力的学生主导的敬拜音乐为标志, 祈祷和简短的信息,从演讲者,如学生牧师, 校园牧师, 学术的学者, 来自外部组织的著名领导人或个人.
其他教堂的特色是更私密的, contemplative setting of worship 和 intellectual reflection on the Christian faith 和 life. Another chapel option is a small group atmosphere in which students commit to meet for five-six weeks to discuss 和 explore a specific topic or book or learn about 和 engage in a spiritual discipline. 这些教堂由威尼斯人赌场教育者和其他受邀嘉宾领导.
学生每学期要参加14个经批准的礼拜堂活动. 你可以自由选择你要参加的教堂来满足这个要求. 对于所有的教堂,你要和你的学生1一起记录你的出勤情况.D. 卡.
在威尼斯人赌场,你将有机会成长你的信仰,成为一个属灵领袖. 你可以将两者结合起来的一个领域是通过学生主导的敬拜. 选择 leading or participating in groups ranging from student chaplains 和 small group Bible studies, 给音乐事工团体, 舞蹈事工和其他敬拜艺术. Our student ministry leaders strive to help the entire campus community commit to a life of faithful discovery 和 service to Jesus Christ. 在威尼斯人赌场, you’ll find there are numerous ways to learn 和 grow together with your friends 和 classmates.
欢呼 Dance Ministry provides an outlet for students who share an interest in dance as both a medium of worship 和 an opportunity for ministry to others through creative expression.
在星期四晚上, students pack out Hostetter 教堂 eagerly anticipating the time of corporate worship 和 reflection known as 强国. 虽然出勤完全是可选的, 教会的小教堂里总是挤满了愿意一起敬拜上帝的学生.
强国最初是一个学生主导的小型圣经学习. 今天, 强国仍然主要是由学生发起和领导的, but has grown to include a team of worship leaders who have devoted their talents to honoring 和 responding to God through music. 这不仅仅是学生们在他们的时间表上增加的另一个每周活动. It is a diverse community of worshipers who come together weekly to praise 和 worship God in a powerful way through shared music 和 prayer. 阅读更多
Small groups 和 Bible studies give you the opportunity to connect with your peers in a more informal setting. 大学校园内主要的小组事工, 在学生领袖的推动下, Koinonia——致力于小组事工吗, 领导力培训和关系建立. 核心团队提供领导, 结构, accountability 和 intergenerational contact in order to equip students to create 和 run their own small group Bible studies. 您可以创建自己的组或加入现有的组.
Messiah is committed to equipping you for a life of service 和 there are plenty of opportunities to hone your passion for service during your time here. 每年, 威尼斯人赌场学生集体自愿为当地社区服务数千小时, 全国乃至全球. 该大学的 agap
Put your faith into action by volunteering in communities across the nation through short-term service trips.
学生, professionals 和 partners from multiple disciplines collaborating to increase hope 和 transform lives.
每年, service trip teams spend their time volunteering in communities across the nation through short-term service trips. 通过参加服务旅行团队, you can put your faith into action to obtain a deeper underst和ing of what servanthood is 和 how to apply it to your own life. 在过去, groups have taken trips to the Appalachia region to help with home repair 和 health assessment, 以及芝加哥这样的城市中心, 布朗克斯区和费城与市中心的事工团体一起工作.