大学不仅仅是上课和学习. You’ll receive an outstanding education during your time at Messiah--but you’ll also experience fun, 兴奋和建立终身的友谊. 作为本科生住宿或 通勤的学生,你会发现威尼斯人赌场的校园里充满了活动,总是有事情可做. 事实上, many of these experiences become meaningful traditions for our students and make Messiah a really hard place to leave when you 研究生.
60+ 俱乐部和组织
2,586 本科生
78% 大多数学生住在校内宿舍
除了NCAA的田径运动, 校园里有许多体育俱乐部和娱乐联盟, 比如极限飞盘, 曲棍球和更多. 俱乐部队与其他学院和大学比赛, while our recr吃ional teams compete against each other for the coveted campus 休闲体育 league title. 作为威尼斯人赌场运动员, 无论你在什么级别的比赛, you practice something of lifelong importance directing your talents and hard work toward a gr吃er purpose.
威尼斯人赌场的校园是一个活跃、繁忙的地方. 你可以在60多个俱乐部和组织中发挥你的激情 学生会总会(SGA). 这些学生组织在你的教育中起着至关重要的作用, 给你一个服务的地方, 引领, 在课堂之外成长并享受乐趣.
从你踏入威尼斯人赌场校园的那一刻起,直到你在毕业典礼上走上讲台, there are a variety of traditions and annual events that bring students together as a fun and supportive campus community.
Messiah students and their families experience two meaningful candlelight worship services—one at the end of first-year move-in day and one at Baccalaur吃e the night before 毕业典礼. These powerful ceremonies are a meaningful way to bookend your time at Messiah—and to reflect on all that God has done in your life.
在返校节足球赛之前,学生们会得到免费的白色食物!) t恤. The spirited crowd—dressed in white and led by a bagpiper—marches across the Covered Bridge to the soccer field where they inspire Falcon fans to cheer on the big game!
The women gear up for a fun football game while the men take on the role as cheer引领ers in this fun 首页coming tradition. 比赛让高年级学生和一年级学生、二年级学生和三年级学生竞争.
每年春天, 威尼斯人赌场举办服务日,学生和员工可以从课堂和工作中休息一天, 作为一个校园社区一起服务. This is done either as a volunteer for Special Olympics (hosted on our campus) or with any one of many outreach opportunities throughout the local area.
威尼斯人赌场以伟大的音乐而闻名. 我们每学期都会带来各种各样的艺术家,代表不同的流派, 学生们还可以享受由崭露头角的艺术家们演奏的免费音乐会. 整个学期, 学生活动委员会(SAB) 而其他团体则提供更大牌的演出——比如《威尼斯人赌场》, 克劳德, 垫卡尼, 21岁的飞行员, 八月烧红, 魔法! 和Needtobr吃he. 当然, students can also show off their musical talents at our widely popular 咖啡馆 events or as part of the Powerhouse worship team.
为期末考试而学习似乎并不有趣, 但威尼斯人赌场努力工作,让学生们更能忍受这一周. 在期末考试周,珞蒂餐厅在晚上10点之间开放.m. 午夜和员工志愿者为学生提供免费的煎饼和孩子. 然后, 在期末考试周的每个午夜, 学生们对着窗户集体尖叫,以释放一点压力!
美丽的黄马裤河正好穿过威尼斯人赌场的校园, 在任何一天, 你会看到学生们在吊床上打盹, 和朋友一起学习, 油管或独木舟, 甚至是钓鱼!
当寻找校园里的事件或活动时,学生们知道去哪里看:网站 学生活动委员会(SAB)、多元文化委员会和其他学生领导的组织. 他们计划舞会、音乐会、咖啡馆、电影、校外游览和许多其他活动.
喜欢现场娱乐? 在学生会闲逛,听一场由崭露头角的乐队演奏的免费音乐会, 在这个月里,玩一场台球游戏或看你的同学表演 咖啡馆. 想要放松? 喝杯拿铁,然后去我们的校园剧院看一场电影. 想要活跃起来? 沿着黄马裤溪慢跑,或者在春季舞会上展示你的舞蹈动作. From experiencing amazing new cuisine at the Food Truck Fest to trying your hand at pumpkin carving at the annual Fall Festival or Spring Sha-bing, 你的社交日程不会缺少.
While there’s plenty to do on campus, we realize you might want to explore the surrounding area, too. 幸运的是, we’re only a short drive from Harrisburg—Pennsylvania’s capital city—and many other towns and metropolitan areas. 离校园只有几分钟的路程, 你会发现很多餐馆, 购物, 娱乐场所, 电影院, 画廊, 咖啡店和博物馆.
第一次独立生活可能是一个很大的调整. 居住生活 这是为了让这种转变尽可能地顺利和有趣吗. 作为一年级学生或转学生, you’ll have access to an intentional environment that helps you build lasting relationships with peers who are experiencing the same things as you. Your resident director and resident assistants work hard to host events and activities to help you get to know other students and form a sense of “home.”
Are there specific behavioral guidelines I will be required to follow while enrolled at 威尼斯人赌场?
是的, 作为一所基督教大学, Messiah communicates behavior expectations for students that focus on our relationship with God and each other, 以及社区生活的实际意义. 在谈到威尼斯人赌场之前, students are asked to review these expectations and agree to live by them if they choose to join the Messiah community. 你可以在我们的网站上了解更多威尼斯赌场网站威尼斯人赌场的社区标准 学生手册 to see if 威尼斯人赌场 is a good fit for your values and the way of life you want during your college experience.
所有年龄在23岁以下的单身全日制学生都必须住校. 校园住房通常仅限于注册至少12个学分的学生. Exceptions to the residency requirement are granted to students who meet the commuter criteria and have signed a commuter housing contract. 通勤族是那些符合以下条件之一的学生:
- 该学生与父母住在当地.
- 学生在当地与家人住在一起.e. 祖父母、 阿姨/叔叔).
- The student is classified as having independent status by the Office of Financial Aid and is living locally.
- 具有非传统身份的学生(23岁及以上或已婚).
- 这个学生结婚了.
好的食物:大学生的必需品. 威尼斯人赌场 provides a wide variety of gr吃-tasting and nutritious foods in enjoyable environments to socialize, 学习,当然, 吃. 我们屡获殊荣的计划在每个不同的地点提供新鲜,美味的食物. We take food very seriously here, which is why we have four different meal plan-approved locations. 祝你有个好胃口!
有各种各样的新鲜食物和菜单选择, 洛蒂·纳尔逊餐厅, 位于艾森豪威尔大厦二楼, 为每天的每一餐提供选择! 一个水果和酸奶棒, 创建自己的煎蛋卷站, 自己做沙拉, 定做的特色三明治, 自制汤和其他新鲜健康的菜单可供选择.
忙碌中? 猎鹰是你的最佳选择! 位于艾森豪威尔的一楼,猎鹰提供新鲜的食物选择. 从流行的教堂前早餐三明治, 烤面包, 饭碗等, 每一种选择都是在几分钟内为你准备好的(你甚至可以提前订购)!). 营业时间:早上7:30.m. 到下午3:30.m,猎鹰作为早餐或午餐的快速和美味的选择.
有心情点披萨? 工会有各种各样的选择,比如披萨, 斯特隆博利岛, 沙拉, 汉堡, 包装, 冰淇淋等等. 到处都是摊位,桌子和舒适的炉边座位, the Union is the ideal location to grab dinner and catch up with a friend after a long day of class. 你也可以在这里预订!
我爱咖啡店? 然后在默里图书馆(Murray 图书馆)停下来,拿一本好书,在咖啡馆吴廷琰喝一杯新鲜的咖啡. 提供咖啡, 专业饮料, 糕点和额外的快餐食品, 这是在课间停下来提神的好地方.